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Is your computer not performing
as expected?
Reasons for your computers
- Computer
Virus - "Computer viruses are called viruses because they
share some of the traits of biological viruses. A computer virus passes
from computer to computer like a biological virus passes from person to
- Do you have a reliable firewall and virus scan software
- "A firewall is simply a program or hardware device that
filters the information coming through the Internet connection into
your private network or computer system. If an incoming packet of
information is flagged by the filters, it is not allowed through."
- Spyware - "Spyware is a
general term used for software that performs certain behaviors such as
advertising, collecting personal information, or changing the
configuration of your computer, generally without appropriately
obtaining your consent."
- Although virus scan software will scan your computer for
spyware, here are suggestions for spyware removal software that is also
- Backup - "If you
regularly make backup copies of your files and keep them in a separate
place, you can get some, if not all, of your information back in the
event something happens to the originals on your computer."
- Deciding what to back up is highly personal. Anything you
cannot replace easily should be at the top of your list. Before you get
started, make a checklist of files to back up. This will help you
determine what to back up, and also give you a reference list in the
event you need to retrieve a backed-up file.
- Here are some file suggestions to get you started:
- Bank records and other financial information
- Digital Photographs
- Software you purchased and downloaded from the Internet
- Music you purchased and downloaded from the Internet
- Personal Projects
- Website Templates
- Website Graphics
- Your Login Information
- Your Contact Information
- Your Private Messenger
- Your Email Address
- Your Browser Bookmarks
- Where To Backup - Making
backup copies of your information doesn't have to be a complicated
process—a simple copy and paste will do the trick.
- If you're using Windows XP, an easy backup tool is just a
few clicks away. After you've decided what files to back up and where
to store your backups, you can follow the steps in this article to
start making backup copies of your important information.